Albert S. Messina, Managing Director
(Silvercrest Asset Management Group, New York, NY)


I have known Frances Zeman of Appraisal Resource Associates, Inc., for about five years. She was hired by a mutual client to provide appraisal and consulting services relative to a large and complex collection of paintings, sculpture and decorative arts from various periods, in various styles and in varying physical conditions. My position has been that of financial and investment advisor to the same family.

In her role, Fran not only provided expert advice on the values of the multitude of pieces in the inventory, but she also provided invaluable advice on negotiating contracts with various third parties, such as Christie’s, Sotheby’s, art restorers, etc.; recommended, coordinated and oversaw successful art exhibitions, art fairs and loans of various pieces in the collection to museums, etc.; oversaw the conservation and restoration of numerous artworks; provided staffing recommendations in both the sales gallery and general collection management areas; made important contributions in the development of the collection’s brand; and managed significant projects within the organization as well as with third party consultants all with tremendous proficiency and attention to detail.

In each of these roles, Fran and her staff conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism, integrity and skill to further the goals set by those in charge of the collection. Fran lives and breathes her work and is passionate about what she does. It was a pleasure to work with her and I am indebted to her for the keen insight she provided me about the collection in the exercise of my duties. 

In a 40-odd year career, I have worked with many other talented professionals. In my experience, Fran ranks among the very top of the list and I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone in need of the services she provides.”




Accolades for FRAN and THE ARAI TEAM